Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oh No, Bath Time!

Well, it was bound to happen. I knew something was up when she kept saying I was "stinky sweet".  Bath time.

Baths are not something I totally loathe, but I am not a fan either. I must admit that it does feel good when Mommy gets that green glove with the black knobbies on it and scrubs my ears. I don't really understand why my back legs begins to jump like Thumper in the Bambi movie though when she does that. I just know it is a good feeling. 

Another thing I don't understand is why she thinks I should wait until everything is over to shake the water off of my back. If I'm all wet, then why shouldn't she be? 

Mommy talks to me the whole time she is bathing me. She smiles the whole time, even when I shake on her. That makes me feel calm, too. Sometimes she leans in close while scrubbing me and I give her kisses. I try to give sad faces so she will hurry up and get me out, but she always rambles about making me smell good.
My fur has gotten really thick over the winter and she said I will get a haircut soon. Not sure I am going to like that process, but just like the bath, I think it will feel good in the long run. These tangles under my ears and in my armpits are a bit unmanageable. Mommy brushes me all the time, but it's just too much hair to manage. She has said something about a summertime cut.
Well, it's raining today so I guess I will hang out on the porch and wait for a train to go by on the nearby track so I can bark at it. 

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