Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ready for a Haircut?

The day is coming soon when Mommy says I will get a haircut. She says it is getting out of control. All I know is that every time I shake, it flies everywhere. Then it sticks to everything! Daddy doesn't care for that too much. Just not sure if I am ready to let it go yet with the chilly nights. Mommy thinks it is bothering me though. It gets a little itchy around the  ears. I scratch pretty hard, thumping on the porch so loud Mommy thinks someone is at the door. I don't let it bother me too much though. 
I wonder what kind if cut she will give me. I wouldn't mind a short cut once summer time is here. It will dry a lot faster when I go swimming. Can't wait to get rid of some of these tangles though.
I really hope my little nose doesn't get all crusty again once it gets hot. I hate that butter junk Mommy puts on it. Don't tell her but it does help and I am glad she does it even though it has no taste and I just hate having it on my sniffer. I love sitting on the porch with her. She is always asking for kisses and scratching my ears. Always good til she pulls out the phone and HAS to get a picture! I throw her a bone and smile every now and then. (Pun intended! Yes!)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oh No, Bath Time!

Well, it was bound to happen. I knew something was up when she kept saying I was "stinky sweet".  Bath time.

Baths are not something I totally loathe, but I am not a fan either. I must admit that it does feel good when Mommy gets that green glove with the black knobbies on it and scrubs my ears. I don't really understand why my back legs begins to jump like Thumper in the Bambi movie though when she does that. I just know it is a good feeling. 

Another thing I don't understand is why she thinks I should wait until everything is over to shake the water off of my back. If I'm all wet, then why shouldn't she be? 

Mommy talks to me the whole time she is bathing me. She smiles the whole time, even when I shake on her. That makes me feel calm, too. Sometimes she leans in close while scrubbing me and I give her kisses. I try to give sad faces so she will hurry up and get me out, but she always rambles about making me smell good.
My fur has gotten really thick over the winter and she said I will get a haircut soon. Not sure I am going to like that process, but just like the bath, I think it will feel good in the long run. These tangles under my ears and in my armpits are a bit unmanageable. Mommy brushes me all the time, but it's just too much hair to manage. She has said something about a summertime cut.
Well, it's raining today so I guess I will hang out on the porch and wait for a train to go by on the nearby track so I can bark at it. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

My First Convertible Ride!

Today has been one of the best days of my life. Can't really say much about my life before last August, but I know it changed then. I had been in the animal shelter for over a month when it all changed. The Emery Family adopted me and I just put the past behind me. They put the leash on me and I was outta there!

Anyway, enough of all that! About today-- I took my first ride in my mommy's convertible. She loves that car almost as much as she loves me (but not quite 'cause I have wet kisses and a wagging tail on my side). I fit perfectly behind the two seats on the towel she laid out for me. She somehow foolishly thought it would catch the dog hair. Number one: the wind blew hair all over the car, her, and Daddy. Number two: I couldn't sit still. With the top down, I had a panoramic view and could see everything. It was awesome! You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. You'll see the pictures because my mommy take pictures of me all of the time.
At one moment, I couldn't contain my excitement and just leaned over to give Daddy a wet kiss! Just wanted to say thanks to him for letting me come along. He's not big on animals, but I love him anyway.

Then after cruising around, we stopped at a park, Pyne Road Park. I was able to get out and run a bit. Daddy left the music playing in the car so it was pretty cool to hang out and listen to some tunes. Mommy threw the tennis ball and I chased it some but got bored with that pretty fast. I had other things to explore in this new place. I had not reached the trash can long to investigate some scent I had picked up on before she caught me and put the leash on me. That move also ended my hopes of reaching the edge of the lake. I couldn't understand why I couldn't go to the water. Does this woman not know me at all?!? Oh, but then she rambled something about knowing I wanted to go down there but I couldn't get my feet wet and then get back in the car. So I thought, "ok mom, you win!"
Then it was time to head home. I hopped right back in the car, but this time, I was riding in the front seat! Or so I thought. That idea was short-lived. They moved me back to the useless towel, but I do believe the back had the best view.
I love my family and my mommy's car and my daddy's boat (but that's another story for another day).

I am Henry the Cocker Spaniel!

Expanding my horizons, spreading joy with my smile and the wagging of my tail! I am Henry the Cocker Spaniel!